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Maple Grove Primary School

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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-Ordinator (SENDCo)

Mrs A Smith

At Maple Grove Primary School and Nursery we centre our inclusive approach around the core belief that all pupils should have equal opportunities, regardless of special educational needs and/or disabilities. We believe that all pupils should access a rich and diverse curriculum, providing them with the opportunities necessary to to develop goals, dreams and aspirations without limits.            Mrs Smith, our vulnerable child led and SENCO supports pupils and their support networks (parents, carers, sibling). We use a personalised, child centred approach using a wide range of universal, targeted and specialist support. 

To contact Mrs Smith either call the office on 01442 214966 or email senco@maplegrove.herts.sch.uk 


SEND Information report

DFE SEND Code of practice

  •  Hertfordshire Local Offer The Local Offer lets parents and young people know what special educational needs and disabilities services are available in Hertfordshire, and who can access them.

SEND Events, Courses, Support Groups and Fun Things To Do

Dacroum Parent and Carers Courses and Support Spring 2023


SEND Advice Lines