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Maple Grove Primary School

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Welcome to Reception

We are Miss Sinclair and Mrs Macey and are delighted to be teaching Reception this year.

The children have all settled in well and are looking forward to the year ahead!

In our class we are supported by Mrs Darby, Mrs Purdy and Mrs Rodricks throughout the week.

This term our topics are Let’s Explore and Marvellous Machines.

We have PE on a Thursday. Children will not require a PE kit for the first half term and we will send you a letter out nearer the time regarding requirements for PE kit for Autumn 2.

Autumn Term Learning

Our topic this half term will be Let’s Explore. This is an exciting theme that provides cross-curricular activities through all areas of the EYFS curriculum. This project teaches children about the environments that they share with others, including their homes, school and places in the local community.

In Autumn 2, the topic will be Marvellous Machines. This theme teaches children about the technology that is part of their daily lives and how machines help us. The project gives children the opportunity to build and create marvellous machines.

This half term in English, we will be initially focussing on rhymes and patterns of nursery rhymes, followed by We’re Going on a Bear Hunt and The Hungry Caterpillar, which both link to our Let’s Explore theme. Children will begin to understand predictable phrasing in stories, as well as learning how to label objects.

In Autumn 2, we will be introducing Fairy Stories and books that have familiar settings, such as a home or a school.

We will be beginning our Phonics program “Little Wandle” with the children and we will be introducing them to phonemes and graphemes, then moving onto oral blending. Further information on how you can support your child with phonics will follow.

This term in Maths we will be focusing on counting and recognising numbers and objects to 5/10, subitising ( when you are able to look at a group of objects and realise how many there are without counting.), 1:1 correspondence, making and comparing small groups of objects, saying which has more and fewer, composing and de-composing numbers

For our PSED topic, we will focus on our different emotions, looking after ourselves and being kind to each other.

If you would like to speak to us about your child’s learning please contact the office and we will be in contact.