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Maple Grove Primary School

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Full Governing Body

The full Governing Body meets termly to discuss the whole school strategy and developments.  As per The Governance Handbook, there are 3 core functions of the board:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent

To review specific aspects of school life in more depth, the various Committees provide feedback on their delegated areas of responsibility such as accomplishments, and areas of improvement and detail any decisions the committee has made.

From September 2023 we will also have a Resource Committee and Learning and Curriculum Committee

In addition to these Committees, special committees called 'panels' convene when needed. For example, a Complaint and Grievances Panel meets as required to hear cases relating to discipline within the school, complaints, or appeals from parents. Panel members are usually selected depending on the circumstance and members' experience.

Finance and Resources Committee

Is responsible for monitoring the school finances and budget, ensuring the school is financially accountable and overseeing the maintenance and development of the school buildings and grounds in addition to all personnel matters.

Please refer to the terms of reference document for further details.

The Learning and Curriculum Committee

Is responsible for monitoring the curriculum, progress and standards of teaching and learning across the school. 

Please refer to the terms of reference document for further details.

Link Governors

As part of their governor duties, each governor has an area of the school that they lead as Link Governor. The areas include Leadership and Management; Safeguarding, Behaviour and Attitudes; Personal Development; Special Educational Needs and Disability; Pupil Premium and Quality of Education; and Early Years Foundation Stage. The governors are often found visiting the school, joining in with assemblies, meeting with staff or speaking with children in a class, as well as collecting feedback at Parents' Evenings.