Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
Welcome Back! We hope you had a lovely Easter Break!
This term our topic is Magnificent Monarchs.
We have P.E on a Monday and a Friday.
Summer Term Learning
This term in English, we will be using the books ‘Tiger in a tropical storm’ and ‘Rapunzel’ as a focus for our writing. We will be focusing on capital letters, full stops, finger spaces, making sure our sentences make sense, and using our sounds to spell. We will continue to focus on our handwriting and spelling of Year 1 and 2 common exception words.
In Reading, we will continue to read individually and as a group, developing our vocabulary, decoding skills, prosody (reading with meaning, stress and intonation) and comprehension (understanding the text).
In Maths, we will be looking ad 3D shapes, where the children will be recognising, describing and grouping 3D shapes, forming structures with them and making patterns using 3D shapes.
We will then learn about Fractions. We will learn to count in halves, quarters and thirds, finishing the unit by finding parts of a set and part of a quantity.
In Science, we will be learning about Animal Survival. This project teaches children about growth in animals by exploring the life cycles of some familiar animals. They build on learning about the survival of humans by identifying the basic needs of animals for survival, including food, water, air and shelter.
In Design and Technology, we will be learning how to build a beach hut. The children will learn about making and strengthening structures, including different ways of joining materials.
Our History topic this term will focus on Magnificent Monarchs.
This project teaches children about the English and British monarchy from AD 871 to the present day. Using timelines, information about royal palaces, portraits and other historical sources, they build up an understanding of the monarchs and then research six of the most significant sovereigns.
In Art, the children will be learning about Portraits and poses. This project teaches children about portraiture. They analyse the portraits of Tudor monarchs and compare Tudor portraits and selfies today. They use photo-editing software to create royal portraits.
We will be taking part in the PSCHE Curriculum and completing the topics; ‘Relationships belonging to a family’ and ‘Changing me’.
In R.E, we will be discussing the questions ‘Does going to Mosque give Muslims a sense of belonging?’ and ‘Does completing the Hajj make a Muslim a better person?’
In PE, we will be focusing on Team building and Athletics.
In Music, we will be looking at the ‘Friendship song’.
All of the curriculum information can be found on the curriculum page on the website.
If you would like to speak to me about your child’s learning, please contact the office and I will be in contact.
Please check the website regularly, as we will be updating it with all of the wonderful learning that has been taking place.