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Welcome to the Nursery Spring Term

Mrs Weaver and Mrs Rodericks are looking forward to an exciting new term in Nursery class.

This term our topics are Winter Wonderland and Starry Night.

We have PE each Friday morning. Children do not require a PE kit at the moment; we will keep you informed throughout the term regarding requirements for the PE kit.

Spring Term Learning

Our topic this half term will be Winter Wonderland. The children were excited by the snow and frost before Christmas and this project teaches children about the changes that happen during winter, including exploring in more detail the types of weather associated with winter. It also explores places that have snow all year round and the types of animals that live there.

In Spring 2, the topic will be Starry Night. This project explores the differences in the world at night compared to during the day. It teaches children about the importance of a good night’s sleep and helps them to discover what is happening in the world while they are sleeping, including finding out about nocturnal animals.

In Literacy, we will continue to focus on the rhymes and patterns of nursery rhymes, as well as working on our ‘Talk for Writing’ project ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. The children will build on their story telling skills and will become increasingly confident when innovating the text. Children will learn how to retell the story through drama and will experience several texts throughout the term.

In our Phonics learning we will continue to take part in listening games as well as exploring rhythm and rhyme, alliteration, voice sounds and oral blending and segmenting.

Our Maths learning will focus on developing our knowledge of patterns and shape as well as consolidating counting and one:one correspondence skills. We will explore capacity and measure and will continue to experience number songs and stories throughout the term.

In PSED, we will develop our self-regulation and self-care skills as well as learning how to manage relationships whilst continuing to follow our class rules and routines consistently.

In Art and DT we will encourage and build-upon an imaginative and expressive approach, investigating, for example, the beauty of wintertime whilst exploring a wide range of media linked to our cross-curricular learning.

If you would like to speak to me about your child’s learning please contact the school office and I will be in contact.